Jul 3, 2012

End of the first week of Swedish class

Friday - weekend is coming and we get our last lesson in: Swedish coffee break culture 'Fika', the Royal family members and great inventions of Swedes.

Our nice but very old fashioned language teacher Christin is a Royalty-lover and so she shows us pictures of the Royal family members and we have to nme them and say with whom they are married and what are they doing - every class! But I suppose it is useful to know all these things when you life in Sweden but I am def. not a 'merchandising article buying royal fan' - as Christin is ;-)

When it comes to Swedish food she is as passionate as about the Royal family! We have to create typical Swedish breakfasts and Sandwiches (frukost och smörgås) I guess, to Christins times there hardly existed any vegetarians or vegans in whole Sweden ;-)
We also have to name all Swedish godis for the traditional Fika - maybe at the end of the course we need to remember the recipes and bake all of them in order to pass the course level!

We also got another lesson on Swedish culture, this time about superstition! Christin told us that a Swede would never place its keys directly on a table - there must be something between the key and the table (book, newspaper etc.) Otherwise it means bad luck! Ohho, maybe this was the reason why I was so unlucky in Tassi? ;-)  But I suppose not even the young Swedes know about that urban legend!

As a perfect end to a long week Olivia and I were having Fika after class. We are good learning buddies and made homework together, and we talked about Australia and Tasmania. What we actually miss! It is strange to talk to an Australian girl about all the things that are diff. here - because I discovered that I adapted a few 'Aussi casual habits' that are not appropriate here in Sweden. Like having a shower and then leaving with wet hear and riding the Metro to town ;-)
Or dressing in Jeans-Shorts and T-Shirt when you go to class ;-)
But I grew up in Europe, so I will get used again to the more conservative lifestyle very quickly!

Here you can test your Swedish knowledge - one of these pics Christin shows us every class ;-)
Now name them with first and second name and how many children do they have and what are their names, with whome they are married etc.?


  1. Ich hoffe, die Frage blamiert weder dich noch mich, aber Wieso ist bei dir schon Freitag, wenn bei mir erst DO ist??? In Tassi hab ich das noch halbwegs verstanden, aber Schweden???? Was ist da los?? Glg Malu, die den FR noch vor sich hat, sogar den DO Abend noch

    1. Hey, also grundsätzlich gibts ja keine Zeitdiff. zw. Stockholm und Linz ;-) Aber ich hab blogg auf AUS eingestellt und dadurch kann ich mir die 'falsche' Anzeige erklären. Werde versuchen es wieder auf Europa umzustellen - Danke!
